The Echo

Give Away Your Time

Written by Julie Seltz | May 21, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Last week, our CEO, Jesus Salazar joined Brad Feld and Wendy Lea, on a live stream to launch the mentorship arm of Energize Colorado. Energize Colorado is a new nonprofit created to support small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals in response to the economic impact of COVID-19 in Colorado.   

Energize Colorado originated from the Governor’s Council on Economic Stabilization and Growth where Brad was tasked to lead the revitalization efforts for all entities with less than 500 employees in the state. Through Help Now Colorado, Prosono volunteered as a professional organization and partnered with Brad and Wendy to launch the mentorship program of Energize Colorado. Nearing the closing remarks of the stream (1:13:23), the panel discussed the value of networking through volunteerism, which is particularly important in these uncertain times. Brad put a finer point on the topic (1:15:39) saying that in the last 8 weeks, he gave his time to something that matters to him (launching two startups in the state, including Energize Colorado), and as a result, connected with hundreds of people he didn’t previously know.  At Prosono, we call this letting your purpose echo and we believe this strategy of leaning into what you care about works in both the good times and the more challenging.  

Since the impact of COVID-19 started setting in, Prosono has leaned into our community. In doing that, we have found great opportunities to participate in creating solutions, connected business resources to social causes, and provided tools for strategic enablement. As a byproduct, we have also expanded our network, heard from clients that need help and watched our sales pipeline increase. And as a company we have been able to reflect and realize that we were built to be agile and passionately help companies and organizations move through uncertainty, regardless of the times.  

In the community, Prosono can be found:   

  • Volunteering as a professional organization with Help Colorado Now 
  • Leading the effort to launch the mentorship arm of Energize Colorado 
  • Offering pro-bono strategy sessions for businesses and nonprofits 
  • Bridging business resources and social needs to ensure all students of Cherry Creek School District have the school supplies they need 
  • Serving on boards, including Colorado Succeeds, Rocky Mountain PBS, Colorado Outward Bound, Denver Health Foundation, and more  

Given the present state, the value of volunteerism and networking hasn’t gone away. It’s simply a different modality with a lot more digital interaction. And there is no better time to let your purpose echo.